GDT is a system design house, established in 1994 in the picturesque city of Prevenza. Since 1999, the company has focused on design services for communication and embedded network systems. In 2001 a branch hosting the digital communications systems design center was established in Athens, Greece. Within the Athens offices you can find experienced management and engineering teams. GDT is focused on multimedia communications systems and microelectronics. The portfolio encompasses high technology products ranging from Silicon Intellectual Property cores to complete chip and system level solutions. The company’s role can be a design contractor, a turn-key solution provider or even a small volume OEM – always adapting to your needs. The value-added for GDT’s customers comes from the unique combination of strict quality standards, competitive pricing, experience in international collaborations and from commitment to technical excellence. The rapid system prototyping and extensive customer support ensure you that we belong in your key partner list in advanced networked multimedia system solutions. Products and services are available globally and have been successfully delivered in Europe, Asia, and the Americas.
METIS CYBERSPACE TECHNOLOGY SA is a company specialized in the field of IoT and Cloud Computing adaptive to the Maritime sector. The personnel are engineers and researchers with great knowledge and experience in all the sectors of this field. Our vision is to set at the disposal of maritime transportation our high expertise and innovative thinking in the fields of Information Intelligence in order to strengthen the security of maritime routes, to minimize damage to the environment and to reduce the sea transport cost of products and people. Our scope is the development of products that will apply the technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution in Maritime Transportations, playing a leading role in the inevitable evolution of Maritime sector that induces rapid technological progress in all aspects of human activity. METIS platform is a Cloud Space enriched with reliable information and advanced expertise, where every involved person, any automated system and software tool harmoniously collaborate to meet their expectations. METIS can take over the time consuming procedures and actions that require high expertise and special training, ensuring more productive time for the personnel of the Maritime Companies. The information is collected directly from the instruments and sensors on board through the METIS smart wireless devices. METIS capitalizes recent advances in IoT, Cloud Computing and Social Networking Cloud technologies to deliver products enabling the integrated management of the maritime resources (including human and system resources), encompassing all different stakeholders e.g., captain, chief engineer, crew, ship owners, suppliers. More specifically, the system relies on a wireless data collection and analysis network and on the novel idea of virtual cloud-based agents, which analyze operational or engineering processes and provide useful feedback in the form of analysis conclusions and events detection reports to multiple users. Virtual agents have the expertise to monitor, measure, estimate, diagnose, predict and advise on virus subjects of Ship Management like weather effects, cargo handling, hull performance, engines performance, power analysis, fuel oil consumption, environmental protection and vessel operation. This is a solution to the large heterogeneity of systems in the maritime sector. Overall, the resulting ecosystem is a collection of virtual and physical actors (representing the human actors) interacting with each other to ensure the smooth operation of maritime processes at all levels.
The Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (INN) of NCSR “Demokritos” is one of the leading research institutes in Greece in Key Enabling Technologies such as nanotechnology, micro- and nanoelectronics, advanced materials, biotechnology and photonics. INN provides a unique environment to promote and support world-class multidisciplinary basic and applied research, while forging ties with industry and SMEs it promotes the transfer of innovation to the market. The RTD activities of INN are structured in five concerned actions (programs): a) Chemical Sciences for Nanostructures and Biological Applications, b) Cultural Heritage, c) Magnetism and Superconductivity: Advanced Materials and Applications, d) Nanochemistry and Nanomaterials and e) Nanoelectronics, Photonics and Microsystems.
INN is the main organization in Greece with full capability in silicon processing, micro and nanolithography, device and circuit fabrication and characterization, bulk and surface silicon micromachining and sensor and system fabrication and testing. The facilities and equipment include a full silicon processing laboratory in a class 1000 clean room area, while its satellite laboratories include printing technologies, electrical, optical and structural characterization, micromachining and packaging, resist development, sensor characterization and testing equipment. The laboratory is certified under ISO 9001:2000 (Si processing and electrical characterization) and under ISO 17025:2005 (electrical measurements).
Through the years INN has been very active in providing access and services to academic as well as industrial partners. Since 2002 we act as National Center of Excellence for Micro and Nanosystems. In 2009 INN was awarded a 3-year EU funding (REGPOT) to act as “Micro and Nano Systems Center of Excellence – (MiNaSys-COE) at EU level. INN has offered services both academic and well industrial users, including to Remon (Israel), Intel (USA), Imec (BE), Prisma Electronics, Symetal, Theon Sensors and Glonatech, University of Durham (UK), Sheffield Hallam University (UK), CEMES-CNRS (FR), University of Bergen (NO), Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), etcAt present, INN has strategic collaborations and support spin-offs and start-ups in the area of Micro/Nanoelectronics in Greece, including service to Aisthisis, ThetaMetrisis, Nanoplasmas, Nanotypos, etc
At present, INN leading a National Infrastructure in Nanotechnology, Advanced Materials and Micro/Nanoelectronics (INNOVATION.EL), initiated in 2018. INNOVATION-EL is an open-access national research infrastructure addressing the needs of nanoscale science, technology and engineering towards an innovative ecosystem that will contribute to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in Greece and Europe.
The Energy Harvesting and Autonomous Sensors (EHAS) Group, part of the Nanoelectronics, Photonics and Microsystems Program at INN has significant experience (more that 15 years) on materials development and energy harvesting (e.g. mechanical, thermal) low power sensors, including chemical, thermal and mechanical sensors for safety and security applications.
The group objectives include:
• Novel materials and techniques for high efficiency energy conversion
• Piezoelectric and triboelectric Energy Scavengers for Autonomous Microsystems:
• Development of materials and processes for low power, low cost devices using inkjet printing technologies on hard (silicon) as well as flexible substrates (plastic, kapton, paper, etc)
• Low-power chemical sensors on silicon and flexible substrates for safety and security.
• Multifunctional ZnO Nanostructures for Smart Textiles & Biomedical Applications
For more information visit EHAS group webpage
The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) is the largest Greek university. The main campus is in the city centre are outside campus or in other cities. In total, there are 10 schools composed of 40 departments and 1 elementary school. 61 Clinics operate (Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary), 295 institutionalized Workshops and 23 Students. Its Central Library AUTH, one of the largest in the Balkans, along with 45 regional libraries of the Departments and Schools. There are 41 undergraduate programs in AUTH and 92 postgraduate study programs in individual departments, but also interdisciplinary, inter-university and international. Actually the total number of students in AUTH is 73,930 students, of which 65,026 attend undergraduate courses curricula and 8.472 postgraduate programs (3.952 of which are PhD candidates). The Academic Staff is 2,024 people, the Laboratory Teaching Staff is 287 people and 134 other members of the Specialist Technical Laboratory Staff, while in administration employs about 340 employees. The Laboratory of Electronic Physics (AUTH–ELAB) is an institutionalized Laboratory of the Electronics and Computer Sector Department of Physics of the Aristotle University Thessaloniki. Since its foundation in 1976, AUTH-ELAB has been presenting very important and multifaceted project in a wide range of research, development, measurement and educational activities in the field of analysis and design of analogue and digital/embedded systems starting from the modelling of the system to the implementation of the integrated circuit in state-of-the-art technologies, making it a recognizable institution both in the Greek Scientific and Research Community and in the European industrial area. At present, the Lab consists of 5 faculty members, 2 Special Teaching Fellows, one postdoctoral researcher as well as several postgraduate students and doctoral candidates. During the past years, the members of AUTH-ELAB have participated in many national and European research projects concerning the design of digital and analogue circuits and systems.